JXTA Turns 25 in 2020

1995 – 2020. 25 years since Juxtaposition Arts’ inception, the name still embodies our ethos: core strategies juxtaposed to create a vibrant and sustainable whole. Art & economics; individual development through collaborative work; young artists employed and their professional counterparts. And now, JXTA is poised to become the foremost arts organization in North Minneapolis, with a permanent and essential legacy. On our 25th anniversary, we reflect on successes and lessons learned and look ahead with clear eyes and a set intention.

When JXTA was founded in 1995, DeAnna and Roger Cummings’ focus was on the immediate future: building access to the arts for talented young people in North Minneapolis. Now, 25 years of work gives us a basis for what we want the future to look like. That future includes a capital campaign, a brand-new building, continued programming, more students through our doors, and, ultimately, an established cultural legacy in North Minneapolis.

Today, in the first days of our fiscal year 2020, we want to share with you our vision and our new logo, created to celebrate this quarter-century milestone. Designed by our Graphic Design Lab, our 25th-anniversary logo embodies the JXTA ethos we’ve cultivated over the last 25 years: it’s dynamic, bright, and stays true to our roots. Ready to tackle any challenge, and nimble enough to keep up. Over the next few months, keep an eye out for updates around celebrations, announcements, projects, and other 25th anniversary happenings. And for now, mark January 1–December 31, 2020, in your calendars as the 25th year of JXTA, launching us into the next 25 and beyond.

We’re going to celebrate, and we hope you will join us.
