Textiles & Screen Printing
Design & screen printing, all in-house*We have paused on taking orders while we move into our newly constructed arts center. Please check back in Summer 2023. Thanks for continuing to support JXTA!
JXTA’s Textiles & Screen Printing Lab produces custom apparel, accessories, and paper-printed materials, designed and printed in-house by JXTA’s youth apprentices.

Textiles and Screen Printing Lab
Design & screen printing, all in-house.
In the Textile and Screen Printing Lab, apprentices are trained as designers and printers through the production of client work and the development of JXTA’s unique in-house apparel line. Apprentices learn how to develop a design from a concept to a physical object through the process of screen printing. Utilizing hand illustration, Adobe Creative Suite software, and cut and sew construction methods.
Apprentices learn how to talk about and defend their work through critique, as well as how to document and prepare their work for a creative portfolio. Collaborative design is a key element of the Lab. The Textile Lab hosts local artists in residence who bring in new skills and collaborate with apprentices in the design of new apparel and merchandise to be sold through JXTA’s shop. Past resident artists have taught apprentices industrial sewing, leatherwork, and jewelry making. Textiles frequently collaborates with other JXTALabs to produce client projects, new JXTA apparel, and innovative displays for JXTA’s on-campus and pop-up retail spaces. Apprentices use their time in Lab to develop their own style and vision for their work while gaining hands on experience designing and producing the JXTA apparel line and professional-level client projects.
Lab Lead

JXTALabs apprenticeships are available young people ages 14-21 who have successfully completed VALT.